If you're expecting a refund this year, here are a few ways it could help you with getting into a home:
- Save for a down payment. Saving for a down payment can be one of the biggest barriers to homeownership. With various loan programs of 3% down payment, your refund could possibly be all the money you need to buy a home!

- Pay for closing costs and prepaids. Even if you are doing a 0% down payment or using a down payment assistance program for down payment a homebuyer typically pays between about 2-4% of the loan amount in closing fees.
- Lower your interest rate. You can "buy down" your interest rate in the form of paying Discount Points at closing. A "point" equals one percent of the loan. It's essentially an upfront interest payment to lock in a lower interest rate on your fixed–rate mortgage. Getting a lower interest rate can save you thousands of dollars over the life of the loan!
- Get your credit ready. When you work with a kick-butt loan officer like myself, I can help steer you in the direction of steps to take to improve your score. A lot of the times, paying off a few thousand dollars of credit card debt can get your score where it needs to be to get into a home or get a better interest rate!
Do not blow your refund on "stuff" this year! Give me a call to see if your refund could me the missing piece of your home buying puzzle!